Berhanu Gebregziabher, PhD

Berhanu Gebregziabher, Phd.

Affiliate Professor, Economics


Office: SB Hall #228

Office Hours: MTWR 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by Appointment

Berhanu  Gebregziabher is Affiliate Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Dallas.  He earned  his first degree with distinction in Agricultural Economics from Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia.  He earned a MSc in Economics and a PhD in Agrcultural Economics both from Michigan State University, USA.  He worked as an international research scientist with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRA) based is Addis Ababa.  He joined (LRI) as a Postdoctoral Scientist and subsequently progressed to the rank of Scientist, Senior Scientist and ultimately Principal Scientist, the highest research scientist rank in the institute.  As an internationl scientist, Berhanu conducted research in agricultural development policy:  commercial transformation of smallholder agriculture  for poverty alleviation and food security; impact assessment of technologies and programs; agricultural services including agricultural extension, agricultural credit and input supply; and agricultural value chain development.  His research interest centers around sustainable agricultural development.  His scientific publications have receeived over 7000 citations worldwide.  Concurrent with his tenure at ILRI, he held the position of Adjunct Professor of Economics at Addis Ababa University for over 15 years, where he voluntarily taught graduate and undergraduate courses.  He taught graduate courses in microeconomic theory, institutions and economic development, and development policy analysis.  He taught principles of economics, intermediate microeconomics, econometrics, mathematical economics and managerial economics to undergraduate students. He has successfully advised over 25 MSc and PhD students.  He served as president of the  Ethiopian Society of Agricultural Economics (ESAE) for three years.  He is a fellow of the Ethiopian Academy of Sciences (EAS).